Welcome: Meet the Voices Behind the Mic

NOIRPOISED Season 1 Episode 0

Embarking on a journey of growth and evolution isn't for the faint of heart, but it's a path we've chosen together. We, your devoted hosts, believe that sharing insights and stories from our lives can help kindle a flame of understanding and camaraderie. In our heartfelt inaugural episode, we pull back the curtain on the genesis of NoirPoised, our venture into the world of podcasting that is fueled by our passion for candid conversations and a desire to connect on a deeper level with our community. We're not just talking about the world around us; we're revealing our innermost transformations and inviting you to grow with us.

In this welcome, we share the profound impact that open dialogues have had on our marriage and why we believe it's essential for enriching the lives within our community. As we recount our tentative first steps and the leap of faith into this project, we hope our story resonates with you, sparking reflection, conversation, and perhaps a bit of courage to step out of your own comfort zone. Join us, Ruth and Sam, as we strive to navigate life with grace, poise, and a touch of boldness.

Send us your questions and/or topic suggestions here

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Instagram: @noirpoisedpodcast
Youtube: @noirpoisedpodcast


Welcome to the Noir ed Podcast, where wisdom is power is more than just a motto.


It's our way of life. While we don't claim to have all the answers, we're dedicated to delving deeper into different topics through meaningful conversations. As a duo, we bring different viewpoints to the table, enriching our joint journey towards growth and poise.


Join us as we explore and unlearn to relearn, while striving to navigate life with poise, Welcome elcome. elcome to the Noir Poised Podcast. Thank you for listening. We appreciate each and every person who has clicked that play button. My name is Ruth.


And allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sam. It's a pleasure to partake or be a part of this journey.


And we've been married for about four years and change now.


Yep Four years, going on five.


Yeah, so we're fairly new at this married life, but we are excited to share some of our experiences through our personal growth, you know, and our joint growth as we've been together because we are very big on growing, yep and evolving and challenging ourselves to dig deep into some foundational issues or, you know, things that may be affecting our day to day lives. So that's one of the things we've always done as individuals and we are heavily doing in our marriage. So we're here to share that journey with you and hoping that you gain some knowledge, as we're gaining some knowledge through our experiences and the perspectives of others around us. So Noir Poised is very special to my heart. We've sat on it for a couple years now and we've stalled and stalled and at some point we had to really just tell ourselves to start, start, and we'll figure it out as we go. So that's what we're doing. We're starting with no idea where this could take us, what it can do, who it'll reach, but we're starting it. To be true to ourselves, we've noticed very early on that in depth and hard conversations has really been a large part of our relationship and a large part of the relationships that we have with other people as well. So we realize that the conversations we were having with loved ones unfortunately were not being had on platforms as much as we feel like they should be had, and through many, many, many conversations with people in our lives, when family members or friends come over, we started to recognize how some of the conversations we were having were really important and necessary for our communities.


I searched and searched for different type of information that was similar to what we were discussing with some of our loved ones, and it was really difficult to find, although there were a few out there. In my personal opinion, there just wasn't enough. And it then dawned on me how much some of these conversations that we were having on a regular basis can impact lives in a positive way. Because it was impacting our lives in a positive way and impacting those that we were conversing with in a positive way, and I felt deeply in my heart that I had to take a step in using my voice In a type of way had no idea how that was gonna happen, no idea where or how it was gonna work, but I knew that Sam and I needed to use our voice to discuss some of these things that other people feel other people go through but have no one else to discuss them with or feel like others don't comprehend what they're feeling, and that's basically the gist of how Noirp oised P started off.


It was just an idea at first. I thought it was gonna be a blogging thing and then one day it just came to me. I was like a podcast. I think it'll be a podcast and anyone listening who knows us ,this might come as a surprise to you, because we are super, super private, super to ourselves. We don't have many friends. We are very private in every way, shape and form of the word. We're not on social media. We are comfortable in our bubble.


Yep, very comfortable.


We really are, and that's why we sat on this for years, because we were comfortable in our bubble. But at some point as we're gonna talk about a lot throughout the season we have to tap into our power and tap into ourselves and be authentic to who we are and who we're supposed to be. So that was something that I had to push myself into doing is stepping out of my comfort zone in order to grow towards the person that I know that I'm meant to be. So with this this podcast we just decided let's just do it, let's start it. Let's start it the best way we know how.


Right now, with what we have, with the resources we have, we don't have high tech equipment, we don't have all of the gadgets and stuff that people tend to have online these days, and I just wanna warn everyone that we are going to be as true to ourselves and as authentic as we possibly can throughout this process, so we will not be doing it the way podcasts are quote unquote supposed to be. That's one thing I said. If we're gonna do this, we're not going to follow the crowd. So, as of right now, there is no video content. If you love what you hear, come back every week, but we're trying our best to do this in the most authentic way and right now, this is what works for our relationship and for us, as you said, we simply have a thirst for knowledge.


We're firm believers that what separates the rich and poor, the people who are successful and people who are failing, is knowledge, and everyone knows that applied knowledge is wisdom which is why our motto is wisdom is power, right, we literally live by that.


And what this?


It Essentially i it honestly feels like is we're still having the same in-depth conversations, except we're recording it.


Right, we're recording it and there's like a little snippet outline, but it's literally conversations we normally have late at night in our family room and we were just like let's just start doing this, like let's start recording some of these conversations, let's choose a topic and let's talk about it. So that's basically how we're doing it.


I think one thing that definitely motivated me is the people who would come over and we would have these type of conversations with. I would see how it changed them and, more importantly, I would see how it changed us, right? We always grew so much just from having these conversations. I think, that's what Really helped me develop a passion to do this. So we don't profess to be experts or not at all.


W, e're just figuring it out.


We're simply having conversations between ourselves and recording it, so you will hear us share personal stories, you know, give examples, you know, just having real conversations that we're hoping will inspire you to do the same thing right.


And the meaning of o NoirPoised, if you don't know, is literally know noir literally i noi i i noi is French word for black, and poise simply means having a composed and self-assured manner M, having a graceful and elegant bearing, and it also means, means b alance. That's the gist of where the name came from and that's exactly what we strive to be. We strive to be poised in every and any situation that encountering. encountering find ourselves Encountering, because life is a mixture of ups, downs, left rights turns upside downs. There are constant but dkjdk j it's, but it's conversing all about Conversing through those seasons and growing in those seasons, right?


I love that Life is seasons right and you don't dress for the summer like you would dress for the winter.


You don't dress for the winter like you would dress for the summer. But if you're able to find some kind of balance, knowing when the seasons are changing, and you'll find that you can have peace and success and abundance in almost every situation you're in. And that's what Noir Poised really means to me is in this world, where it's not easy being black n, n a a t's not easy finding balance between what's going on in your personal life and in the professional life. So one thing that we certainly want to share is our own journey through finding balance, through all the ups and downs that life does have to offer.


And that's why we strive to encourage poise and empower minds. That's basically our purpose. We want to empower people to recognize that they have the power within them. They have all the answers. It's all about tapping into that power, doing the work that is required to recognize some of the things that are already within you, and we want to challenge people to recognize the change starts within them and that everything that's internal will eventually create the external. So our purpose here is to have conversations that will make you look within and make you inquisitive about your past, inquisitive about your character and who you currently are and how you desire to be, how you view yourself, and recognizing how all of those things start from changing internally. And in changing internally you will naturally find that the external will follow.


You literally create your own reality.




And the conversations that you will hear us having is literally us just sharing our own knowledge and experience and sharing how the wisdom that we've learned and applied allowed us to create our own reality.


Create our own opportunities and just achange of mindset.


Our goal is to really unlearn everything we've been taught in order to relearn some things that need to be learned, because there's a lot of things that we learned through society, family or our upbringing that we don't recognize how much it does not align with who we currently are or who we want to be, but we continue to follow those trends and follow those things, thinking that it's accurate.


But sometimes you got to ask yourself what is the purpose behind certain things, and you'll hear us discussing that a lot is unlearning certain things and then having dialogue in order to try to figure out how to relearn the proper way. Again, we want to thank you for just being here and listening to this episode. It was simply just for us to give you a little background of who we are, what we stand for, what our goal is, what this podcast will be about, and we encourage you to join us. Join us in empowering your mind with us, encouraging, poise inyour your your life, living a way that will create the reality that you desire, and not just thinking it or saying it, but really doing the hard work, having the hard conversations and applying that knowledge gained, and that's why our 'wisdom is power' is power.


That's it. Wisdom is power, so join us. Every Thursday, there will have a new episode available on Spotify or any of the other streaming platforms that you utilize. We're also now on Instagram at noir poised, so you can follow us. You can comment, like a you have any suggestions. We are open to hearing out what you'd like to hear us talk about, and we're really excited. We're nervous At least I am. You guys probably hear nd it in my voice, but it's t a good nervousness because we are growing in a way. I never thought that I would honestly grow. So join us. We're ready to grow with you. Thank you for spending your time with us. We hope you gain some knowledge today that will promote poise in your life. Until next time, you can follow us on Instagram at noir poise to stay W We Until Until W Until Until Until Until. That's N-O-I-R-P-O-I-S-E-D. We'd love to hear your feedback.


And remember your wisdom is power.

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